When I was studying, I was always on the lookout for money-making opportunities. It ranges from
1) Selling second-hand items at Flea markets
2) Selling self-made cards
3) Making photo-albums into CDs
4) Selling flowers during Valentine's day
5) E-baying
6) Professional Blogging
7) Affiliate marketing
8) private consultant to students
9) Home tutors
10) Selling beaded jewellery
These are basically what I have done and manage to profit from what I have done. Being tutors can be tedious because you got to physically move around and you got to take into consideration the travelling time.
Now it's the Information Technology age and many people are
blogging or
setting up websites to do internet business. These toys are not just for the professionals; even
secondary school students or even
primary school students can profit from all these new internet tools and
YOU can earn extra pocket money up to $5,000 per month ...Starting from scratch. You can buy whatever you want..be it the latest shoes, playstations, or the clothes that your parents don't allow you to buy.
Hey, I'm not saying you defy your mommy but it is always good to save for rainy days just in case.
I'm sure 9 out of 10 of you who are reading this has a blog. So, in this blog, I will be sharing with you how do you use your blog to earn money!!!